What news sources does @BBCBweaking use?
The bot takes its news from the “breaking news” tickers from the homepages of BBC News.
Is this an official account?
Do any verified users follow the bot?
I've been blocked by the bot. Can you unblock me?
The bot algorithmically blocks accounts that meet certain criteria If you think you might be mistakenly blocked, which is possible, submit a unblock request form and the computer will reevaluate you.
Who caused this a[bd]o?(mi)?[nr]able
The original OWO library was written by @NepetaDev and ported to JavaScript by @zuzakistan, who runs the bot in a personal capacity. The idea for the bot came from a tweet by Ninji in March 2019.
Can I contribute?
Yes. The source code is licenced under the ISC licence. The bot consists of two parts. Newsgathering, parsing, and tweeting takes place via zuzakistan/civilservant. The transformation from English prose to OWO text is done via a library, zuzak/owo.
You can watch a real-time feed of engagements with the bot via IRC on irc.libera.net ##zuzakistan-feed (webclient).
You can suggest changes without writing code by filling in our Google Form.
How have followers changed over time?
This graph updates daily: